8 Years of Neglect Restored!

My truck has been neglected for eight years as seen in these photos. The doors were rusty and squeaky. The tailgate made a terrible crunching noise when opened. The tire rims were the color of rust. The bumpers and trim were brittle and dry. I heard that WD-40 could fix anything so I put it to the test. I started with the door hinges and tailgate. No more squeaking. I wiped all plastic and vinyl surfaces until they were sparkling. The most dramatic change had to be the tire rims! The rust was scrubbed away with the help of WD-40! With a good wash and wax my truck looked refreshed! Mission accomplished thanks to WD-40!!

Step 1

This is my truck when I started

Step 2

Time to grease the hinges, polish the bumper, grease and scrub the tire rims and get this truck clean!!

Step 3

The transformation is amazing! Check out the tires…rust is gone!!


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9715 Businesspark Ave.
San Diego, CA 92131

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