Bradson No.1 Pillar Drill Press Restoration

This was a really fun project that I was in the process of when I learned about the WD-40 Repair Challenge. As an amateur woodworker, I restore a lot of older tools for my use. I extensively use WD-40 products throughout all phases of these projects, This project required a lot of WD-40 to assist with the disassembly and as the final protective lubricant. With older cast iron parts that are rusted together for years, WD-40 is essential for penetrating and loosening parts to be taken apart without damage. Unlike other penetrating products on the market, WD-40 is great to use my shop because there isn’t any obnoxious odors or fumes. These older restoration projects wouldn’t be possible with WD-40. Thank you

Step 1

The beginning of the project and disassembly of the drill into workable components.

Step 2

Tackling the base and repairing the broken structure. This was done by welding and a lot of grinding. It was hot and messy so, other than pre-heating, I don’t have any photos of the welding. Breaking down the components is always scary with older cast iron. I soak with WD-40 until the parts can be separated.

Step 3

Getting over 100years of grime off the drill press so it can be rust free and prepped for painting. Some wet sanding and polishing takes place.

Step 4

This step is trying to figure out and remember how to put it all back together again. Tight parts are lubricated with WD-40 to assist with assembly.

Step 5

Putting the components together. Using WD-40 lubricants to assist with moving parts and protecting bare metal surfaces from rust.

Step 6

Put all the pictures together in a video with some cool tunes.


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