Custom Memorial BBQ (Little Foot)

This project was built for a few reasons. Most importantly a good friend of mine passed away from cancer a little over a year ago. Prior to his passing I acquired his old air compressor tank. It was the first new air compressor he bought for himself and it broke just outside of the warranty. He tried several times to get it working again but with his diagnosis decided it wasn't worth the time. I have dedicated this build to his memory. The main cooking chamber was his. A local church was putting on a fundraiser and asked me to build something flashy for their food area, I think this fit the bill. So I built it just in time to be used for that fundraiser. It is made from an old ATV chassis with working steering and two air compressor tanks. The stack is the bumper from an old RV trailer (used to hold the septic pipe). The trailer hadn't been used as a camper in almost 30 years so I'm sure that stack is clean. pretty much all of the metal that was consumed came from my scrap pile except for the expanded metal for the cooking rack. I now use it for home parties and cooking for the local scouts. I have a larger oil tank pig roaster (also home built from scrap materials) that is also used pretty exclusively for scouting functions.


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