I did First Engine replacement at 17!

Hi, my name is Ellis and this is my 1992 mazda miata mx5 that ive build from ground up. Ive always held a passion for cool cars growing up playing games and watching the fast2furious movies. Most of all my father had the greatest impact, teaching me all i knew about cars. I would always help him fix our family cars and we always would have little friendly competitions on who could do what. Since he was my teacher he always had one up on me ! He would tell me “ You are really good son, but when i was your age i replaced an entire motor by myself!”. Thats when the challenge began! I wanted to replace a motor bymyself at 17 just like my father did, so i could prove i was capable and to make my father proud. After weeks of saving my pennies from the grocery store job i had, i found my first project on offer up. To be continued…


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