Inherited 1952 Kaiser Will Live Again

Last December, I was gifted a 1950 to Kaiser upon the passing of one of my old friends – literally, and figuratively, as he was 91 at the time of his passing. This was a car I discovered when I was 10 years old. As a kid, I used to ride around the neighborhood on my bike, taking pictures of interesting vintage cars, when I saw this Kaiser for the first time. I struck up a friendship that lasted for years, and upon the gentleman‘s passing, his widow gave me this car. It’s full of memories and stories, and my introduction to be short-lived automaker Kaiser-Frazer. It has been off the roads since the 1980s, and I’m going through it with the goal of making it roadworthy by December - which will have been a year since it’s been in my care. It needs a lot, including a new gas tank… you can see in the photos it’s toast! But I’m deterred - rather I’m inspired to get this wonderful car back on the road.. and the kind of money you’re offering would do me and this car a world of good! Thank you!


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