LB7 Duramax Heads

Replacing two heads on my LB7 duramax diesel. This truck was given to me by my father who presented me with the challenge of make it run to keep it. 340k miles on the dash and still chugging along

Step 1

Taking an in depth analysis of the engine. Preforming a compression test showed we had a larger than expected problem.

Step 2

Removing the heads proved to be quite the challenge. Luckily I was able to use WD40 to penetrate those crusty bolts.

Step 3

After sending the heads off to a local machine shop it’s time to install them. This part required a lot of attention to detail. Double checking everything from torque spec to valve lash.

Step 4

Finished the truck up after a late night of wrenching. Went to start at 3:00 am and the batteries were dead. The truck sat on charge for a few hours until I anxiously got up at 8:00 am to start the truck. Challenge complete! I now have one of my dream trucks.


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