Old Grob Bandsaw Restoration.

I bought an old rusty Grob band saw that was setting outside in the rain and snow for over 2 years. Every nut and bolt was sprayed with WD40 and allowed to soak. The saw was then 100% disassembled no problems. WD40 was also used to prevent any new rust on all pieces that were stripped to bare metal during the long restoration process. (A few photos you can actually see 2 cans of WD40) 😉 Every nut, bolt, drive wheels, panels, table were either polished or painted with 3 part automotive paint. The drive gear to the transmission was destroyed (what originally put it out of service) was removed and replaced with a modern belt drive. Turned out and ran perfectly! Best saw I've ever owned! Thank you WD40 for your products that made this project a reality! 👌


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