Sliding Door Hits the Floor!

Last year, opening/closing my sliding door was a struggle but I became pretty good making it work. Once winter set it & it wasn't being used, it wasn't an issue LOL. But spring arrived & the door got tired of waiting. It gave up the ghost & literally fell out of the track when I went to close it from the outside! It was a miracle it didn't break when it hit the floor. My cats? Traumatized... until dinner anyway. So, fearing an insane repair expense, I did some research & learned how the sliding system worked. Needless to say, with the door on the floor, examining the wheel mechanisms was easy. They didn't spin well - at all. My old friend WD-40 to the rescue! The wheels now spin freely & my home is secure! Thank you WD-40!

Step 1

After the door literally fell in (thank goodness it didn't break!), assessing the situation & accessing the wheels was, well, easy.

Step 2

Remove the mechanism - 2 screws...easy. Wheels should spin... these.. not so much.

Step 3

Douse entire wheel mechanism with WD-40. The straw tip makes accessing the inside a breeze.

Step 4

While much more effort than spraying WD-40, the door was reinstalled (with the assistance of a strong friend). Success!!!


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